Halter Case Study
Connecting the Dairy Farm to the Production Line

“The PLT is continuously proving to be a reliable and flexible tool for the in-circuit testing, firmware deployment, and device provisioning of our product. The PLT offers the ability to deploy test plans and view measurement data remotely. This means we can fine-tune test criteria from the comfort of the office, or in our case: the dairy farm!”
Alec Lilley, Electronics Design Engineer at HalterQ&A with Halter

What pain points were you trying to solve by adopting the PLT?
Automation of hardware testing and firmware flashing, but we didn't want to spend much time or effort in doing so due to our limited engineering resource.
How has the PLT added value to your workflow?
Establishing automatic hardware testing and firmware flashing on the production line can require significant time and effort from product engineers to the extent where it is known as "the product behind the product". The PLT enabled us to transition from manual to automatic testing in only a few weeks. The ease of setup and deployment during subsequent production runs enables our engineering resource to focus more time on our product, and less time worrying about or micromanaging the production testing process.
The team at Halter currently uses the PLT remotely, as their dev labs are in New Zealand and their production lines are in China.
What features are you (or your teammates) currently using?
Firmware Flashing, Hardware Testing, Centralized Data and Test Reports