Diversity and Inclusion at BCD

I’m writing this blog post to voice our support for Black Lives Matter. People who visit our blog deserve to know where we stand. We agree that staying silent is itself a form of racism and we share in the outrage that violence against people of color has gone on for far too long and with far too little meaningful response from government and society as a whole.
We recognize that racism remains a massive collective problem and that, as a society, we have to deal with it. We all have a responsibility to see what is happening in our communities and protect one another from injustice and racism.
We encourage the open discussion that is finally taking place in groups small and large all over this beautiful planet of ours. There are a lot of terrific organizations who have been working over sustained periods of time to combat racism and are in a position to help drive change. Our team has recently made donations to a variety of causes on a personal basis:
Black Lives Matter - https://blacklivesmatter.com/
Code2040 - http://www.code2040.org/
Color of Change - https://colorofchange.org/
Equal Justice Initiative - https://eji.org/
Hack the Hood - https://www.hackthehood.org/
NAACP Empowerment Programs - https://www.naacp.org/empowerment-programs/
SF Foundation - Rapid Response Fund - https://sff.org/what-we-do/funding/rrf/
I also want to commend Spencer Wright at The Prepared for gathering people together to talk about diversity and inclusion in the design/manufacturing space and working to make it better.
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