Celebrating Our First Open Source Hardware Certification!

October is Open Source Hardware Month and there was no better time to receive the good news that our first certified hardware application was approved! The board we certified is built around the Nordic nRF52 and is in a Raspberry Pi4 form factor to take advantage of the Pi4 cases that already exist. We use the board to showcase how hardware can be designed for testability and you can use it for anything you like. It includes some handy sensors and indicators for prototyping your Zephyr projects. The board is now available for purchase in our online shop.

Here is our certification listing for UID US002054: https://certification.oshwa.org/us002054.html

And here is the complete list of 1,679 certified projects (with more added every week): https://certification.oshwa.org/list.html

We opted for the CERN Open Hardware License (CERN OHL-S-2.0) and maintain the documentation for the board here:


We thank OSHWA for creating a streamlined process for sharing open source hardware projects. It only took them a few days to approve it, which is very impressive for such a lean organization. Lest you think this is just an edited link farm, they do indeed revoke certifications that fail to comply with the documented process. Here is a recent example:


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