April Showers

“How are you?”
That seems to be the question everyone’s asking each other nowadays, and understandably so. On behalf of my teammates at Blue Clover Devices I will say that during these uncertain times, we are staying true to our 8 Points and letting Be Practical lead the way. Practicing this means following all the official guidelines, while also doing our own research and taking extra precautions to prepare for the future. Additionally, it means staying calm and taking out our problem solving skills to try and keep things going seamlessly for both our teammates and clients.
At the moment, our San Francisco beavers are working remotely while our Shenzhen beavers have long been back in the office. While I have never had the pleasure of meeting my Shenzhen teammates in-person, now more than ever, I feel connected and proud of our multinational team. Our Shenzhen team have always been experts at shipping and sourcing logistics, and luckily for those of us in San Francisco, they’re just as good at sourcing sanitizing supplies as they are at sourcing electronic components. Amidst all the memes of stores running out of things like masks and hand sanitizer, we are lucky to have our Shenzhen teammates sending us care packages.
However, not everyone has the same resources we do and it would be callous to ignore the heroes who continually put themselves at risk in order to save others. We were able to get 1,000 medical grade face masks and ultimately shipped them to the University of Michigan Medical Center and the Beaumont Health system.
Here’s an inside story: we actually considered making masks ourselves at one point, but realized this specialized job was better off left to bigger firms with higher capacity. Another thing we considered was making ventilators. But it didn’t seem at all practical to try and design and produce from scratch when we do not have an existing design in place. Instead, we are happy to say that some of our clients do specialize in making ventilators (among other medical devices), and they use our PLT and ICT fixtures to make their process go more quickly without sacrificing the valuable and necessary data needed to confirm quality.
We are also proud to say that we are not the only ones thinking about how we can help the world during this time. Our friends at Nomad have an awesome program running where medical professionals, first responders, and essential businesses can request supplies while the general public is able to donate and contribute. Visit this link to learn more about Nomad’s initiative/take action.
So to answer that question: “How are you?”
We are doing alright. Despite these April Showers, our entire team is working together across the seas to help each other and our clients. The silver linings are not always enough, but we hope that we can work together to make sure that these April showers really do bring May flowers. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see everyone in-person again soon, but until then stay practical and take care of yourselves! If you need anything from the team at Blue Clover Devices, please reach out to us.
Note: This is a follow up to our last blog post about how the team at Blue Clover Devices is faring during COVID-19. You can read “Marching Into Spring” here.
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