A Diploma for Your Devices

You would be upset if you graduated from college and walked up to shake the hand of the dean and then did not get a diploma. "Don't worry about it. It's all recorded in our system," he says. We think it is similarly unseemly that devices go through a whole slew of assembly and testing steps without a tangible report at the end of it. If you use a contract manufacturer (CM), try asking them for a report on a specific unit and see what happens. Each device deserves a diploma! Our Production Line Tool (PLT) makes this very simple to create because it is automated. Moreover, we have recently improved the look of our test reports so they are more pleasurable to read.
Here is our old format:
And here is our new format:
At Blue Clover, we believe that one of the best ways to eliminate e-waste is to make better devices in the first place. After all of the hard-fought design battles of the engineering team, gathering of components by supply chain, and the precise assembly steps of the front line workers; it would be a shame not to have a sharable document that records all of the useful information about each unit. Tell your CM to get a PLT!
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